This game genre is Rhythm game by voice input.Each function:
Tutorial mode:If you are a beginner of the game, I recommend you choose the way the first time.
Sound mode: In the play scene when you hear either sound of colour's sound, you should remember the sound since the recognizer asks you about what colours are.Then if you can say a correct answer, you get 100 points.
Sentence mode:In play scene, when you hear specified words from a guide, you should remember each word to answer to the recognizer.Then if you can say a correct answer, you get 100 points.
Association mode:Styles in the association mode are emotions, fruits and vegetables and all styles.When guide said either colour, you reply to the recognizer the association words of that colour in the selectionthat you selected in the main menu scene.For example, when guide said red, you answer the association wordsof red in the selection.
Select music:You can choose the music to play the game.
Select level:You can change the level to play the game.These are easy, normal and hard.
Library:You can make sure each association word in the style you selected.When you play the association mode, you can check the library in the prologue scene and the play scene as well.There is that button in the task table.
Eventually, when the current playback position reached to the end, the current scene transitions to the result scene.
I am thinking of polishing the point is that what blind people play the game or use an app in a comfortable.Therefore, this Android game is the stage of development.In other words, I think I should get information which is a feel of the feature from the blind people.If you are going to play the game with a blind person,please let me know the state that how you are feeling or what the blind person is getting uncomfortable.Even if that state is not a detail, it will be very helpful to me.